Taxi Driver Ten Commandments

  1. Thou shalt always do thy best to satisfy and service the customer.

  2. Thou shalt treat with fairness all other taxi drivers.

  3. Thou shalt always look after one another; for thy turn will come.

  4. Thou shalt treat all customers (inside & out) with respect and dignity.

  5. Thou shalt treat all other drivers with respect and courtesy; and thou shouldst receive the same.

  6. Thou shalt be patient, tolerant and of assistance, and coach "newbie's as once in past you walked in the newbie's shoes.

  7. Thou shalt look after one another, no matter who or company, to preserve safety and earnings for all.

  8. Thou shalt do thy best to improve the image and stature of all taxi drivers and the industry from whereath you obtain thy living.

  9. Thou shalt be the eyes and ears of your village, as their protector 24 hours a day, as thou hast the ability to make things happen and act as their guardian angel

  10. Thou shalt treat all as you would be treated, as the great wheel will cometh around sooner or later.

Gord Barton
September 1996

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