Winnipeg Cab History / 2: Livery Stables (1)
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The Exchange Livery Stable at 326 Elgin Avenue (corner of Adelaide Street) about 1915. There is a stable listed at the same address in the 1890 Henderson's Directory, so the stable was probably built in 1889 or 1890.


c[irca] 1915, Exchange Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Archives Manitoba, Foote 388 (Negative N1988).

Winnipeg Cab History / 2

Livery Stables (1)

The Winnipeg cab industry dates back to 1871 and the establishment of the first two livery stables in Winnipeg by William Harvey and John R. (Jack) Benson. The Exchange stable in the picture at left was built nearly 30 years later but it was a small scale operation typical of Winnipeg stables, especially in the early years.

There were four main types of stables -- feed, boarding, sale and livery – named for the stabling services they offered. In fact, though, most stables provided more than one of these services.

Feed and boarding stables were essentially hotels for horses. Farmers coming to Winnipeg for the day or travellers passing through town could put their horses up at a feed stable where they would be fed, watered and sheltered.

Boarding stables housed horses on a long term basis. Individuals or businesses having no stables of their own might keep their horses at a boarding stable and pay by the week or month.

Sale stables offered a venue where potential horse buyers could conveniently examine animals that other people had put up for sale.

Livery stables offered horses and vehicles for hire.


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