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George Moore advertised far more extensively than his rivals, placing multiple ads in each issue of the Winnipeg Free Press and Winnipeg Tribune, as well as elaborate full-page ads like this one in the Winnipeg telephone book.
Manitoba Telephone System, Official Directory – Greater Winnipeg, no 85, July, 1936, p. [96].
Winnipeg Cab History / 60
George Moore (2)
George Moore's talent and skills surpassed those of his rivals but what really set him apart was his financial clout. He was able to use his fuel business and other enterprises to undercut his taxi competitors or offer service beyond their capabilities.
Moore was able to beat them in taxi fares, in the size of his fleet, in the quality of his cars, in advertising and in customer relations. Moore's Taxi customers could read the daily paper en route to their destination. If it was raining the driver would escort them to the door with an umbrella.
By the fall of 1931 Moore had about 150 cabs and was providing dispatch services for 60 other owner-drivers (proving that he was not out to destroy everybody).
Winnipeg cabs did not have two-way radios until 1947 but Moore had three garages and as many as 30 telephone call boxes scattered around the city so that drivers could keep in touch with the dispatcher without having to drive back to the main office.
George Moore did not become the dictator of the Winnipeg cab industry but he wielded enormous influence. His rivals found themselves constantly on the defensive, having to respond to his initiatives. Taxi regulators and politicians had to court him if they wanted his cooperation.